the stroy part 1
by annastasia

So do you belive in vampires? Do you belive in the supernateral?

If you do is it becase you are one? Is It posable that you have lived a thousen year and sill not know the start of what is you? Do you of all people who should, but dont belive in the story dont beive in you? Are you afared to tell the others? The start of the race all belive dont they but you cant make yourslfe do it can you?

The story they told you can you lisen to them and truly belive that you were made that way? All and every race have a story of how they begone it this world from some insted god hand that what it is isn't?

You want to tell them to stop the lies to tell you a member of the race in wich they are so prod of? Why must you be like some god that you know and they know that you will never mausher up to be! What happens
you cant mausher up to this god like power, do they leve you, are you lesser then the grown under your feet? And say by some chances you mausher up to this god power then are they a god? Are you the new start of this race that you are to love that you are to put in front of else that you know that your life is nothing compaerd to it! How!How can this race ask this of you!

Well look at me go on, and on about thing that you should think about..... but sadly probaly don't. Forget this rudness of me if you can, biterness have for the lies that were told to me by the old one's.

You are probley whant to know who I am. Well i have many name: the wise women, the teller of talles, the ture seeker, the butiey of the forest, the silent one, unchanged one,ect.....

You may call me Anastasia. As you see my other names make me seem grand to those who don't know the other,grousam,deadly name. I'v been given to thouse that will me ill. Well now I'm going ahead of myself. Well I'm a vampire one of god's shoned angles, and the diavel lover. I do not belive this at all! Time has not changed me in any way,this gift or carues has changed nothing, but the look of my face and the texser of my skin.

Now you are going to ask me about my teeth? Well yes, they have changed shaper then most, but they alwas been that way. So to me no change.

That is just my looks, but i can feel that I have unknowed strangth just wating to be use. My vison had
been horable in life but now I can see every little detail for miles and miles. I can think a lot faster and less dosnt esses me anymore. I have no will to move so I sit very still atlas,nothing new to me only I'm more still.

By know you want to know more about my life as I'm the one who tell you the tale. Well you most know more about me as a humman.... if you can ever call me that.Well now how to start....ahhh much has changed sence I'v been humman.Well I can tell you it was long befor time was recored as it is today.

Well it was it the place now called Russian in the northwest area were exsacly I don't rember. I lived in a villige it was much lager then the other suranding it. My father was the chife of the villige I was his one and only pride and joy. He had one other hiar that live to his name. My father had 9 childern thought his life only me and my brother serived the first turn of the sesons.

At this time only my father and brother called me ninaliy,nin for shourt,my name in my humman life. Other know me only as the Beutiey of the forest. I was honer that this was my name eve thought to me I was no beutiey. I had long yellow hiar leanding at my knees. I had ice blue eyes that were to small for my face, and thick eyelachs to frame theme. A well shoped nouse, and nicely size mouth.I was tall,tall for a women that is, about the size of a small man.

 *ther will be more later for now that it.